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Aphallia: Congenital Penile Agenesis

Aphallia is a infrequent malformation with absent development of the penis. The estimated incidence is around 1:10.000.000. Typically, there is a well-developed scrotum with descended testes; the urethra ends dorsally and opens at the anus or into the rectum. Frequently associated are malformations of the anus, urogenital tract, and depending on the subvesical obstruction, oligohydramnios with pulmonary hypoplasia.

Treatment of Aphallia

Older case reports describe assignment to the female gender role with orchiectomy and feminizing genitoplasty. However, due to intrauterine exposure to testosterone, male gender identity is more likely, and the patient may be fertile. Corrective surgery of aphallia (phalloplasty, urethroplasty) is complex.

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Gabler T, Charlton R, Loveland J, Mapunda E. Aphallia: a review to standardize management. Pediatr Surg Int. 2018 Aug;34(8):813-821. doi: 10.1007/s00383-018-4271-z.

  Deutsche Version: Aphallie
