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Cystitis Cystica: Symptoms, Cystoscopy Findings and Treatment

Definition of Cystitis Cystica

Cystitis cystica is an inflammatory response of the transitional epithelium (bladder mucosa) with subepithelial vesicles [fig. cystitis cystica].

Etiology and Pathology of Cystitis Cystica

Cystitis cystica is an inflammatory reaction of the urothelium to infection or mechanical irritation. Subepithelial vesicles develop with a few mm in size (von Brunn nests). Cystitis cystica is most commonly found in the trigone area in the bladder.

Signs and Symptoms

Cystitis cystica is usually asymptomatic. Hematuria and symptoms of urinary tract infection are possible.

Diagnostic Workup

The diagnosis is made with a cystoscopy; a biopsy of the lesion is unnecessary in typical cases.

Treatment of Cystitis Cystica

Cystitis cystica requires no treatment, it will resolve after treating underlying diseases, e.g., consider treatment of a Urinary tract infections.

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C. Manini, J. C. Angulo, and L&oacute, “Mimickers of Urothelial Carcinoma and the Approach to Differential Diagnosis.,” Clin Pract., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 110–123, 2021.

  Deutsche Version: Zystitis cystica
