
Dirk Manski

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Internal Urethrotomy

Indications for Internal Urethrotomy

Internal urethrotomy is the first therapeutic option for short urethral strictures without pronounced scarring (Pansadoro and Emiliozzi, 1998).


Surgical Technique of Internal Urethrotomy

Preoperative Patient Preparations

Direct-Vision Internal Urethrotomy

Direct-vision urethrotomy is the transurethral incision of the stricture under direct vision at 12 o'clock. The classic internal urethrotomy uses a cold knife [fig. internal urethrotomy]. Alternatively, the stricture is incised using a laser fiber (Nd:YAG or holmium). The incision of the urethral stricture should reach healthy tissue to minimize recurrent contraction of the scar.

Internal urethrotomy: direct vision of the stricture (left). After direct vision urethrotomy, the external sphincter can be seen in the distance (right).
fig. internal urethrotomy

Blind Internal Urethrotomy (Otis)

An Otis urethrotomy is the blind transurethral incision of the urethra by an Otis urethrotome. After insertion of the Otis urethrotome, the urethra is dilated to the desired width and a blade cuts the stretched urethra at the 12 o'clock position.

The Otis urethrotomy is reserved for the palliative treatment of long-segment strictures of the male urethra or to treat proximal narrowing of the female urethra. Otis urethrotomy is also performed before the use of old resectoscopes (> 26 CH) in a narrow urethra to prevent ischemic damage. With modern 24 CH resectoscopes, this is rarely necessary.

Postoperative Management after Internal Urethrotomy

Complications of Internal Urethrotomy

Index: 1–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Pansadoro und Emiliozzi 1998 PANSADORO, V. ; EMILIOZZI, P.: Die Urethrotomia interna.
In: Urologe A
37 (1998), S. 21–24

  Deutsche Version: Urethrotomia interna
