
Dirk Manski

 You are here: Urology Textbook > Drugs in Urology > Chemotherapy > MVAC regimen

MVAC: Chemotherapy for Bladder Cancer

MVAC is an acronym and stands for a combination chemotherapy treatment for advanced bladder cancer: methotrexate (M), vinblastine (V), Adriamycin (A) (= doxorubicin) and cisplatin (C).

Indications for MVAC Chemotherapy

Since the combination chemotherapy treatment with Cisplatin-Gemcitabine is less toxic, MVAC is the second choice chemotherapy for bladder cancer (Von der Maase et al., 2000).

Dosage of MVAC Chemotherapy

One cycle of MVAC lasts 28 days. If well tolerated, metastases are treated with 6 cycles. Adjuvant or neoadjuvant treatment with MVAC is usually done with 4 cycles. Treatment of MVAC should be stopped due to progressive toxicity or due to progressive disease under treatment.

Index: 1–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Von der Maase, H.; Hansen, S. W.; Roberts, J. T.; Dogliotti, L.; Oliver, T.; Moore, M. J.; Bodrogi, I.; Albers, P.; Knuth, A.; Lippert, C. M.; Kerbrat, P.; Sanchez Rovira, P.; Wersall, P.; Cleall, S. P.; Roychowdhury, D. F.; Tomlin, I.; Visseren-Grul, C. M. & Conte, P. F. Gemcitabine and cisplatin versus methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin, and cisplatin in advanced or metastatic bladder cancer: results of a large, randomized, multinational, multicenter, phase III study
J Clin Oncol, 2000, 18, 3068-77

  Deutsche Version: MVAC Chemotherapie des fortgeschrittenen Harnblasenkarzinoms
