
Dirk Manski

 You are here: Urology Textbook > Signs and symptoms > Nocturia


Definition of Nocturia

The International Continence Society defines Nocturia as a complaint that the individual has to wake at night one or more times to void (Kerrebroeck et al., 2002) (Weiss, 2006)..

Differential Diagnosis of Nocturia

Nocturia due to General Polyuria:

Nocturia due to Nocturnal Polyuria:

Nocturia due to Reduced Bladder Capacity:

Nocturia due to Reduced Functional Bladder Capacity:

Pharmacological causes of nocturia:

Diuretics, beta-blocker, theophylline or caffeine, especially when taken in the evening.

Nocturia due to Detrusor Instability:

Diagnostic Workup of Nocturia

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van Kerrebroeck, P.; Abrams, P.; Chaikin, D.; Donovan, J.; Fonda, D.; Jackson, S.; Jennum, P.; Johnson, T.; Lose, G.; Mattiasson, A.; Robertson, G.; Weiss, J. & of the International Continence Society The standardisation of terminology in nocturia: report from the Standardisation Sub-committee of the International Continence Society.
Neurourol Urodyn, 2002, 21, 179-183.

Weiss, J. P. Nocturia: "do the math".
J Urol, 2006, 175, S16-S18

  Deutsche Version: Nykturie
