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Partial Glansectomy and Penectomy: Procedure Steps and Complications
Partial Glansectomy Procedure
Partial glansectomy is the preferred option for local control of small penile tumors (Ta–T1).
Bleeding disorders. Large poorly differentiated penile carcinoma with risk of incomplete removal.
Surgical Technique of Partial Glansectomy
Preoperative patient preparation:
Exclude or treat urinary tract infections. Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis. Supine position. Spinal or general anesthesia. Transurethral catheter. Apply a tourniquet (e.g., vessel loop with a clamp) around the base of the penis to reduce bleeding.
Partial glansectomy:
Perform a wedge-shaped excision of the tumor with a small safety margin of a few millimeters. If necessary, close the opened corpora cavernosa with interrupted sutures. Consider frozen section examination to confirm complete resection. Cover the defect with subcutaneous tissue. Close the wound with interrupted sutures.
Postoperative care:
Catheter for one day, depending on the extent of surgery. Regular wound examination. Further therapy depends on the histology of the specimen (tumor type? grading? safety margin?).
Hematoma, infection, meatal or urethral stricture, altered penile sensation, erectile dysfunction, chronic pain, unsatisfactory cosmetic result, recurrence of carcinoma.
Partial Penectomy Procedure
Indications for Partial Penectomy
Partial penectomy is indicated for local control of penile carcinoma with infiltration of the corpora cavernosa (T2–3) or when preservation of the glans penis is not possible.
Bleeding disorders. Consider radical penectomy for large, poorly differentiated tumors with a risk of incomplete removal or if the remaining penile length after partial penectomy is too short to control the urinary stream.
Preoperative Patient Preparation
- Exclude or treat urinary tract infection
- Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis
- Supine position
- Spinal or general anesthesia
- Insertion of a transurethral catheter
- Apply a tourniquet (e.g., vessel loop with a clamp) around the base of the penis to reduce bleeding.
Surgical Steps of Partial Penectomy:
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Skin incision:
The recommendations for the surgical margin for adequate oncological control have been reduced to 0.5–1 cm in recent publications. A circular skin incision is made around the penile shaft at the appropriate distance from the tumor. Superficial veins and the dorsal neurovascular bundle are isolated and ligated.
Division of the corpora cavernosa:
Transect the corpora cavernosa at the appropriate safety distance to the tumor. Isolate and transect the urethra 1 cm further distally. Send margin biopsies and the specimen to frozen section evaluation to confirm complete excision.
Closure of the corpora cavernosa:
Place sutures (2-0) through the tunica albuginea and the septum penis to close the corpus cavernosus vertically. Pay attention to the urethral width when suturing near the urethra. Spatulate the urethral end at the 12 o'clock position. Release the tourniquet and check for bleeding.
Wound closure:
Place a subcutaneous suction drain. Close the shaft skin vertically with interrupted sutures 4-0. Reconstruct the meatus with additional interrupted sutures between the skin and the spatulated urethra. Alternatively, the glans can be reconstructed with a split-thickness skin graft covering the distal corpora (Pang et al., 2022).
Inguinal Lymphadenectomy
Please see section penile cancer for indications and section inguinal lymphadenectomy for surgical technique.
Postoperative Care after Partial Penectomy
General measures:
Early mobilization. Thrombosis prophylaxis. Wound inspections.
Analgesics with a combination of NSAIDs and opioids.
Drains and catheters:
- Wound drainage 1–2 days
- Bladder catheter 2–5 days
- Early mobilization. Thrombosis prophylaxis. Regular wound examination.
Hematoma, infection, meatal or urethral stricture, insufficient penile length to control the urinary stream or for sexual function, chronic pain, recurrence of carcinoma.
Urologic Surgery | Index | Radical penectomy |
Index: 1–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
K. H. Pang, A. Muneer, and H. M. Alnajjar, “Glansectomy and Reconstruction for Penile Cancer: A Systematic Review.,” Eur Urol Focus, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 1318–1322, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2021.11.008.
J. A. Smith, S. S. Howards, G. M. Preminger, and R. R. Dmochowski, Hinman’s Atlas of Urologic Surgery Revised Reprint. Elsevier, 2019.
Deutsche Version: Technik und Komplikationen der partiellen Penektomie