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Penoscrotal Transposition and Bifid Scrotum

Penoscrotal Transposition

Penoscrotal transposition is a rare malformation with a scrotal position superior and anterior to the penis. Additional scrotal malformations (bifid scrotum, see below), penile malformations (hypospadias), or chromosomal anomalies (Klinefelter syndrome) are common. Penoscrotal transposition is corrected surgically: separation of both hemiscroti with readaptation of the hemiscroti caudal to the penis. In severe cases, plastic techniques such as V-Y plasty are used to relocate the scrotal halves. Correction of penoscrotal transposition should not be performed simultaneously with hypospadias surgery (Ebert et al., 2010).

Bifid Scrotum:

Both hemiscroti are not fused in the midline, and a raphe is absent. The bifid scrotum is often a partial aspect of penoscrotal transposition or associated with hypospadias but may also occur singly. The bifid scrotum is considered a clinical sign of a partial androgen insensitivity syndrome; further examinations are necessary. For therapy, both hemiscroti are surgically mobilized and united in the midline.

Index: 1–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Ebert, A.-K. [Pathological findings in the scrotum and testis and initial diagnostic management].
Urologe 2010,49, 1476-80, 1482-4

Pinke LA, Rathbun SR, Husmann DA, Kramer SA. Penoscrotal transposition: review of 53 patients. J Urol. 2001 Nov;166(5):1865-8.

  Deutsche Version: Monorchie und Polyorchidismus
