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Seminal Vesicle Cysts

Seminal vesicle cysts are either congenital or acquired and usually develop based on an ejaculatory duct obstruction. Another cause of seminal vesicle cysts is autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The most important differential diagnosis is an ectopic ureter ending in the seminal vesicle. Imaging is best done with an MRI (Arora, 2007).

Treatment is necessary only in case of symptoms or infection. Percutaneous perineal cyst drainage and sclerotherapy is possible. If this fails, an open or laparoscopic surgical removal of the seminal vesicle should be done. In the case of an ectopic ureter, open or laparoscopic nephroureterectomy with removal of seminal vesicles is the most common treatment option since renal function is often absent.

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Arora, S. S.; Breiman, R. S.; Webb, E. M.; Westphalen, A. C.; Yeh, B. M. & Coakley, F. V. CT and MRI of congenital anomalies of the seminal vesicles.
AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2007, 189, 130-135

  Deutsche Version: Samenblasenzysten
