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Urethral Caruncle: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment


A urethral caruncle is a mucosal hyperplasia and prolapse of the female urethra, usually at 6 o'clock, with irritative symptoms. A circular urethral caruncle is also known as urethral prolapse.

fig. urethral caruncle: circular prolapse of the mucous membrane of the female urethra.
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Etiology of Urethral Caruncle

Urethral caruncles are most commonly found in postmenopausal women. Additional risk factors are pelvic floor dysfunction and micturition with subvesical obstruction (abdominal straining).

Signs and Symptoms

A urethral caruncle is a pedunculated hemorrhagic mucosal tumor, usually at 6 o'clock. Furthermore, irritative voiding symptoms, bleeding, or local pain may be present.

Treatment of Urethral Caruncles

Conservative treatment includes warm sitz baths, topical (vaginal) estrogen therapy, and topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Verma et al., 2020). If surgery is necessary, the clamping of the caruncle allows easy handling. A circular incision of the mucosa is done at the base of the caruncle. The basis of the caruncle is ligated, and the caruncle is resected. The mucosa is adapted with 4-0 sutures.

Fig. step by step circular resection of the urethral caruncle and readaptation of the mucosa.
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Fig. result after circular resection of the urethral caruncle and readaptation of the mucosa.
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Index: 1–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Park und Cho 2004 PARK, D. S. ; CHO, T. W.: Simple solution for urethral caruncle.
In: J Urol
172 (2004), Nr. 5 Pt 1, S. 1884–5

V. Verma and A. Pradhan, “Management of urethral caruncle - A systematic review of the current literature.,” Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol., vol. 248, pp. 5–8, 2020.

  Deutsche Version: Harnröhrenkarunkel
