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Prostate Cancer: TURP, HIFU, Cryotherapy and Focal Therapy

Guidelines and review literature: (EAU Guidelines Prostate Cancer) (S3-Leitlinie Prostatakarzinom) (Walsh-Campbell Urology).

Palliative TURP for Prostate carcinoma

Indication for Palliative TURP

Palliative transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is indicated for subvesical obstruction and urinary retention if radical prostatectomy is not an option.

Surgical technique:

See section TURP.

Outcome of Palliative TURP

Cure of prostate carcinoma with TURP is not possible. Compared to TURP for BPH, complications are more frequent, including a higher rate of urinary incontinence, postoperative urinary retention, bleeding, and recurrence of obstruction. To avoid incontinence, a limited resection is often performed.


Experimental Local and Focal Therapy of Prostate Cancer

Focal therapy:

Clinically significant prostate cancer lesions can be visualized due to the advancement of imaging (see multiparametric MRI). If prostate cancer is limited to 1–2 lesions, focal therapy of these lesions is an option. The treatment of the remaining prostate is omitted to avoid side effects. Focal therapy is possible with VTP, HIFU, brachytherapy, or cryotherapy (see below). Focal therapy can be offered to patients who meet the criteria of active surveillance but still want low-risk local treatment. Follow-up after focal therapy, analogous to active surveillance, consists of regular imaging with mpMRI and prostate biopsies (targeted and systematic). If salvage therapy becomes necessary due to tumor progression, worse oncologic and functional outcomes may be possible due to the tissue effects of focal therapy.

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) of the Prostate:

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) destroys the prostate tissue via a transrectal ultrasound probe. HIFU leads to tissue necrosis, which is gradually degraded by the immune system. Available data is limited to retrospective series with a maximum follow-up of 14 years. In summary, the oncological results are dependent on known risk factors and comparable to radiotherapy: the 10-year survival is 88% (low risk), 82% (medium risk), and 48% (high risk) using the D'Amico classification of prostate cancer risk (Blana et al., 2004) (Ganzer et al., 2013). Side effects of HIFU include erectile dysfunction (44-61%), urinary incontinence (0-14%) and persistent subvesical obstruction (up to 30%), which, however, can be treated with neoadjuvant or adjuvant TURP. Rare severe complications such as rectal fistulae have been reported (0.7–3.2%) (Pickles et al., 2005).

Cryotherapy of Prostate Cancer:

Perineal cryoprobes are positioned with TRUS in the prostate; additionally, thermosensor needles are used for temperature control. Modern cryotherapy devices can apply freezing and thawing cycles with high speed and high accuracy; ice ball formation in the prostate is easily visible with TRUS (Touma et al., 2005). Controlled comparative studies or retrospective series with long follow-ups are lacking regarding oncologic outcomes. Complications are prevented with urethral and rectal warming and with temperature monitoring. Possible complications include persistent subvesical obstruction, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, rectal fistulae, and osteitis pubis with chronic pain.

Irreversible electroporation (IRE):

Via perineally inserted needle electrodes, a flowing current causes disruption of cell membranes and later tissue necrosis. The mild current application protects sensitive structures better than the above-mentioned thermal methods, and short-term side effects are mild. Controlled comparative studies or retrospective series with long follow-up are lacking regarding oncologic outcomes (Morozov et al., 2020).

Index: 1–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


EAU Guidelines EAU - EANM - ESTRO - ESUR - SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer, https://uroweb.org/guidelines/prostate-cancer/.

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Wein, A. J.; Kavoussi, L. R.; Partin, A. P. & Peters, C. A. Campbell-Walsh Urology
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A. W. Partin, C. A. Peters, L. R. Kavoussi, R. R. Dmochowski, and A. J. Wein, Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology, 12th ed. ISBN-13: 978-1455775675: Elsevier, 2020.

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  Deutsche Version: Therapie des Prostatakarzinoms mit Seeds, Brachytherapie oder HIFU