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Straddle Injury: Trauma of the Anterior Urethra

The most common injuries of the anterior urethra are caused by a blunt trauma of the perineum (straddle injury) or by transurethral manipulation (Machtens et al., 2000).

Signs and Symptoms of an Anterior Urethral Injury

Diagnostic Workup

Retrograde urethrography

Treatment of an Anterior Urethral Injury

Most blunt injuries can be treated by insertion of a transurethral catheter, using a guide wire, or fluoroscopy if difficult. Urethral exposure and suturing of the injury is necessary for penetrating injuries, which may also involve the corpora cavernosa; see section penile injury. Removing the catheter is possible after 7–14 days, depending on the severity of the injury. A second-look urethrography after catheter removal is done for more extensive repairs. Further treatment is necessary if a urethral stricture develops.

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EAU Guidelines: Urological Trauma

Machtens u.a. 2000 MACHTENS, S.. ; STIEF, C. G. ; HAGEMANN, J. ; PFINGST, G. ; GäNSSLEN, A. ; POHLEMANN, T. ; TRUSS, M. C. ; KUCZYK, M. A. ; BECKER, A. J. ; JONAS, U.: Management traumatischer Läsionen von Harnblase und Urethra.
In: Urologe B
40 (2000), S. 560–571

  Deutsche Version: Verletzung der vorderen Harnröhre
